Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Undeserving Death!!!

Hi all,
This is what made my night yesterday.

It was around 11:30 PM when I started for home yesterday from office. I
was slowly heading towards JM road when a bike passed me at little more
than average speed. I was slow yesterday for some unknown reason. I was
just approaching Garware bridge, the bridge in front of PCH when I heard
a sound of bike skidding. As I crossed the bridge i found the same guy
lying on road. He looked as if having a small injury, coz he wasnt
bleeding a lot. I was awstuck to see that. Me and 3 others immediately
put him in rickshaw and approached Pune Hospital which is at 3 mins
distance from the place of accident.

Poona hospital is where we all got the shock, by the time we reached
hospital he had already passed away. With no major visible injury, he
had to give away his life. Trust me, its not easy to see this. One of
the major reason for this all was, he wasnt wearing helmet. He had
severe internal head injury which took his life on the spot.

Many of us confortably ignore this fact that its not distance but time
which is important. You dont have to be on highway to experience such
casualties. This can happen right in front of ones house too. The
question is do we really want to take this chance?

May god save you all from having the experience that I had yesterday,
but please dont wait for anything to start using helmets. Its not only
the riders but pillion riders too need to understand this. Think in
terms of comparison, for what reasons are you not wearing it and what
can the end result be, you will get the answer.

Please dont ignore this, coz theres nothing more valuable than life itself.


ams said...

God! it must b a horrible experience!

Vaarun said...

Holy crap! this is freaky man.